Introduction of dBOSS

What is dBOSS?

dBOSS is just the “proof of stake token” for BOSS. When you stake your BOSS into the DAO, you are given dBOSS, this can be swapped back at any time into the amount of BOSS you staked originally.

$dBOSS contract Address:


How to Stake BOSS?

Staking BOSS is a simple process. Navigate to the "Stake BOSS" page on the BOSS app (bossdao.net). From here, enter the amount of BOSS you wish to stake, Approve the transaction, and then complete the Deposit transaction.

You will then see you have a balance in dBOSS instead of BOSS.

How to Unstake

To unstake your BOSS, click the Withdraw button, and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Your dBOSS will be converted back to BOSS,

Last updated